Friday, July 17, 2009
Time to Expand
So, you're building your palace now. 150,000 gold might make you have a hole in your pocket. Of course, now you are looking at the cost of a governor, 75,000. These are tough economic times. I got some tips for you.
While your Palace is building, recruit a couple knights and/or light cavalry. Hopefully, you might have some already. Pick a nearby town, either a smaller rebel village or a smaller player/inactive player are the best targets. You can begin sending forces to attack that players town. If you do this right, you should be able to get around 10 attacks in, maybe more. When you attack a player, you will get to plunder some of their town's gold. So this is a great way to get some extra gold income.
In the next post, we will be talking about maintaining villages, the advantages of servants, and more! Check back soon!
p.s. if you are on realm 3 and are looking for a clan, my clan, The Defenders is currently recruiting. Send me a message in the game, dcipher and i will shoot you an invite
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Early Game
The point of the early game in my mind, is to get to a palace as quick as possible so you can begin to take over another town. This requires a few steps first, but can be done relatively easy. A Palace requires:
Level 20 Headquarters
Level 20 Stables
Level 5 Wall and
150,000 gold.
Technically, this will require a Level 20 treasury as well, to be able to store more than 150,000 gold. In my game, I focused on 4 buildings to be the higest upgraded level, the Headquarters, Treasury,the Farm Lands, and Silver Mine. You want to expand these early because:
1. Your building times will go down with the upgraded headquarters
2. You'll be able to store alot of gold with upgraded treasury, so you wont have to worry about capping out.
3. As you upgrade the silver mine in the early game, late game it will be easier to max it out.
The idea with RoE, is that most of the buildings work together. For example, the higher HQ you have, the more efficient your workers are, and the higher your farm lands are, the more workers you can have. My sugestion would be follow this as a semi model, but try to continuously upgrade your HQ, Farm, Silver mine, and Tresury.
Early on, get your headquarters to level 5 and your silver mine to level 20.
Build a barracks at lvl 5 HQ and upgrade the barracks to at least lvl 5.
Build a level 1 wall, leave it for now. Begin upgrading the treasury and HQ to about level 10.
At lvl 10 HQ, build a tavern, and get your stable built. Begin upgrading the stable maybe to around lvl 10, as this will cost alot levels 15-20.
Once stable is around level 10, get your Silver Mine to 30, HQ to 20, Farm to 20, and Treasury to 21. This will give you the resources need to upgrade your wall fast and make it easier to get gold and upgrade the stables.
Upgrade your stables to lvl 20 and wall to lvl 5.
You can build defensive towers earlier if you want for extra protection, but only do this is you will be making a small force to protect yourself, otherwise this is a waste. It is a good idea to get the tavern up to protect from spies as well, but that is personal preference. When youre ready to begin saving up for a palace, your town should look similar to this.
When you reach this stage in the game, save up, build a palace, and begin building a force to take over another town! We will talk more about taking over towns in the next post, Time to Expand...
Level 20 Headquarters
Level 20 Stables
Level 5 Wall and
150,000 gold.
Technically, this will require a Level 20 treasury as well, to be able to store more than 150,000 gold. In my game, I focused on 4 buildings to be the higest upgraded level, the Headquarters, Treasury,the Farm Lands, and Silver Mine. You want to expand these early because:
1. Your building times will go down with the upgraded headquarters
2. You'll be able to store alot of gold with upgraded treasury, so you wont have to worry about capping out.
3. As you upgrade the silver mine in the early game, late game it will be easier to max it out.
The idea with RoE, is that most of the buildings work together. For example, the higher HQ you have, the more efficient your workers are, and the higher your farm lands are, the more workers you can have. My sugestion would be follow this as a semi model, but try to continuously upgrade your HQ, Farm, Silver mine, and Tresury.
Early on, get your headquarters to level 5 and your silver mine to level 20.
Build a barracks at lvl 5 HQ and upgrade the barracks to at least lvl 5.
Build a level 1 wall, leave it for now. Begin upgrading the treasury and HQ to about level 10.
At lvl 10 HQ, build a tavern, and get your stable built. Begin upgrading the stable maybe to around lvl 10, as this will cost alot levels 15-20.
Once stable is around level 10, get your Silver Mine to 30, HQ to 20, Farm to 20, and Treasury to 21. This will give you the resources need to upgrade your wall fast and make it easier to get gold and upgrade the stables.
Upgrade your stables to lvl 20 and wall to lvl 5.
You can build defensive towers earlier if you want for extra protection, but only do this is you will be making a small force to protect yourself, otherwise this is a waste. It is a good idea to get the tavern up to protect from spies as well, but that is personal preference. When youre ready to begin saving up for a palace, your town should look similar to this.
When you reach this stage in the game, save up, build a palace, and begin building a force to take over another town! We will talk more about taking over towns in the next post, Time to Expand...
Building Upgrades
To start, lets take a look at how some of the building upgrades in RoE help your town.
As you upgrade the Headquarters, the workers in your village get more and more efficient and as a result, construction
takes less and less time.
Silver Mine
The higher the level of the silver mine, the more silver it yeilds per hour
As you upgrade the Barracks, recruitment and training of troops becomes more efficient and you are able to attract and train new recruits faster.
As you upgrade the Stable, recruitment and training of cavalry becomes more efficient and you are able to attract and train faster.
Siege Workshop
As you upgrade the Siege Workshop, your engineers become more efficient at constructing the machines resulting in quicker production.
The higher the level of the tavern, the more patrons it attracts enabling you to recruit spies much faster.
Trading Post
You can transport silver between your own villages but you can also send silver to other player's villages. The higher the level of this building, the higher your transport capacity.
Farm Land
The higher the level of the farm land, the more food you are able to produce.You can never recruit more toops, or hire more workers than your farm can support as excess food is perishable and is not stored. Excess food is most welcomed by the usually half starved villages, and is eaten in big and wild festivals at every possible occasion.
The Wall by it self does little to protect the village however the wall does improve the defensive ability of the troops defending the village. The higher the level, the better job the wall does.
Defensive Towers
Defensive Towers are periminter wall towers as well as gate house towers that greatly improve the ability of the troops to defend the village. Defensive towers can be demaged and/or destroyed with Trebuchet.
Treasury is where you store your silver coins. As silver is produced, it is stored in the treasury. However, the treasury has a storage limit and when reached, your silver mine either stops production. Therefore, it is a good idea to upgrade the treasury to be able to store a fair amount of silver.
The Palace
Palace is where you entertain your guests and where aristocrats gather. Palaces are the perfect and necessary place to attract aristocrats to join your realm in performing the role of governors. Governors are necessary for you to take over another village as they are the ones who convince the enemy's village council of elders to join your kingdom, and stay at the new village to govern it.
As you can see, all the buildings give different advantages. When you start a new town, It is best to upgrade these in a certain order so that you will start off the game strong, and capture a 2nd village early on. We will discuss this in the next post, The Early Game.
[p.s. you can see all the building upgrade details if you click on a building in your town, and then click details...]
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Video - What not to do as a Noob
Here is a video from a RoE player named Dan. He won a contest for servants for this video. I thought you guys might find it funny, check it out! It'll remind you that it is JUST A GAME which is the best Strategy ever!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Realm of Empires Mapper
From the owner of the game Greg Balajewicz (via facebook)
This is a downloadable program allowing you to map the entire realm.
Screen Shot:
This is a temporary and UNSUPPORTED tool that will eventually be replaced with a simillar in-game functionality.
However, we felt that something like this is really neccessary and did not want to wait till we offer it in-game.
Unfortunatelly it will only work on windows (and parhaps other OSs with MS .NET 2.0 framework ported). The download is absolutely safe.
For more info and download:
Realm of Empires FAQ
Here is the Realm of Empire FAQ . It is a good guide for new players.
(originally posted at
Realm Of Empires Game-Play FAQ
What is the point of this game? what is it about?
This is a Massively multiplayer online real-time strategy (MMORTS) game.
You control a small village in a persistent realm and you eventually grow it to an empire of many villages.
It is meant to be played over many weeks or months, ideally with not too much time spent per day (it is our goal to allow you to manage your kingdom with just a few minutes per day)
Your village grows, and the realm is 'alive' 24/7. Check your village at least twice a day to ensure its is productive, to spot incoming attacks or to be able to aid your friends.
The point of this game is to grow the largest empire, the largest clan in the realm!
This is not a medieval world simulation. It is a 'political simulation' however as the key to the game is to work with others, and with time, you will find this to be the most exciting part of the game.
What Should I do First? how to expand my village?
See beginner strategy guide
What is meant by Attack?
You attack another village to attempt to kill the troops in this village and steel its silver.
How to attack to plunder silver?
Keep a watchful eye on inactive players. Send spies to ascertain the strength of the defending troops. Clear the village of its troops and then send the fast moving cavalry to bring back the silver at regular intervals.
What does carry mean for the units?
Surviving troops returning after an attack bring back the silver in the treasury of the defender.
Silver that the troops bring back depends on the carrying capacity of that troop type. eg: 1 Light Cavalry can plunder 300 silver.
It also depends upon the silver present in the treasury of the defender.
How do I take over another village?
A village can be taken over only when a governor is sent along with the troops. Only a Governor is capable of convincing the Council of Elders, of the defending village, to hand over the village into better hands.
Only one Governor is required to take over a village but you need to attack a village several times in order to capture it because a governor will only lower the Council Of Elders approval rate by between 14% to18% (random) in one attack. Once the approval rate for the current owner falls below 50%, the village becomes yours.
Only send 1 governor with an attack; sending more will not have a greater effect. If you have more than 1 governor in a village, you can send multiple attacks, each with a governor.
An example of a typical attack to take over a village :
Multiple waves are required to take over another village, all arriving as close together as possible:
Wave 1) Spies : To ascertain the strength of the defender.
Accordingly send a clearing attack. It is better to send another spy attack just before your clearing attack lands just in case someone has supported the village in the mean time.
Wave 2) Clearing attack - Knights + rams + trebuchets (target=towers)
Rams and Trebs to be used if the inactive villages is a built up village.
Wave 3) Governor (1) + Knights
Wave 4) Governor ( 1 )+ Knights
Wave 5) Governor ( 1) + Knights
put a time gap of 10 minutes before the 4th Governor hits the village....incase the 3rd Gov. takes over the village you have time to cancel the last attack.
Wave 6) Governor ( 1) - w/support (infantry)
The Governor that lowers the approval below 50% stays in the village along with the troops.
Preferably try taking a village near to your villages. The faster you are , more are your chances to successfully take over a village.
Will an attack having three Governors lower the “Yea” by three times?
No. Each attack, irrespective of the # of Governors, will lower the “Yea” by 14-18 percent.
In the first attack the Yea was down to 83% but in the second attack the report showed Yea as 87%. How is that so?
After a village is attacked its Yea goes down but with every passing hour the Yea keeps increasing at 1% per hour.
To speed up the process of a take over have at least two Governors or better still three. Then send consecutive attacks at an interval of a few minutes. But be alert to see the reports after every attack so that as soon as the village is yours you can cancel the next attack else you will be attacking your own village.
What happens to the Governor and the troops which finally took over the village?
GOVERNOR: He takes over the village, becomes the administrator there. In other words, he 'disappears' and you cannot use him to attack another village.
TROOPS: The troops stay there as support and defend the village. Like ordinary support, these troops can be sent back/recalled.
How to SPY on a villages
Simply ATTACK a village with spies. Once the spies arrive, and are successful, you will get a report with info on the target village.
What is beginner’s protection?
When you join the game, you are protected from attacks for 5 days to allow you to build up your village.
Remember to recruit some troops in this time to make your village a poor target.
Does a newly conquered village have a beginner’s protection?
No, not at all. In fact a newly conquered village is a very vulnerable and a soft target since the Council of Elders' support for your rule start off at just 50%.
When I am logged off can my village still be attacked?
Yes, you can be attacked/supported 24/7. You can also send attacks and then log-off, and login later to see the result. The increase of silver in the treasury and recruitment of troops is also 24/7
When I am not logged in how will I come to know of the attack happenings?
If you send an attack and log off or are logged in you get an attack report stating the outcome of the attack. If you have sent five attacks to a village you get five reports. If you have sent attacks to different villages you get reports for all the villages you have attacked.
You get a report irrespective of whether you lose or win.
What is meant by Support?
Troops can be sent to any village to help defend it. If this village gets attacked, the troops you sent to support it will defend it. Your supporting troops can be seen on the troops abroad page.
Troops supporting other village can get killed if that village is attacked for which you will get a report.
You can recall your troops supporting other village from the troops abroad page by clicking on recall.
Supporting troops do not consume food at the village they are currently at but are supplied by their home village.
You cannot use the troops supporting your village to attack someone. You cannot command them at all. All you can do is, send them back to their home village. You can command only your troops from their home village.
What happens to the troops sent for support if the village it is proceeding to, is taken over by another player?
The troops still support the same village irrespective of who the owner is.
How to recruit troops?
In order to begin recruiting your troops, first build barracks. Once the barracks are built you can start recruiting your defensive forces, Citizen Militia and Infantry on the troop’s recruitment page. Infantry is a stronger defender than its counterpart however Citizen Militia is cheaper which allows you to recruit some troops while still expanding your village.
Upgrading your barracks decreases the time to recruit the troops.
Next building a stable . At the stable you can recruit Light Cavalry and Knight, your best offensive forces. Knights are better attacker than Light Cavalry but like with Citizen Militia, Light Cavalry is cheaper to recruit. Upgrading Stables decreases the time taken to recruit these troops.
Finally you can recruit Rams and Trebuchets in Siege workshop. Rams are used to destroy the wall of the defending village in an attack. Trebuchets are used to demolish/destroy any building of the village. These units are only needed when you plan to attack someone. Leave building the Siege Workshop till then.
In a similar manner, recruit Spies at the Tavern. Spies will protect you from others spying on your village.
How is the cost of Governor calculated ?
Cost of Governor is
( # of village + # of governors you currently have + # of governors you are currently recruiting) CHESTS.
Each chest is worth 75,000 silver. Chests can be bought only in villages where there is a palace. Chests bought in a village can be used to recruit Governor in another village.
Cost to recruit the next Governor is increased by 1 chest in Realm1.
Later, in further realms the system has been slightly changed wherein,cost to recruit a Governor is increased by 1 chest till the player has 50 governors after which the cost goes up by 2 chests upto 100th Governor and then by 3 chests.
How do I create a clan?
When you click on the clan icon (the red flag) from the header, clan overview page will be displayed. Here you can enter a name of your clan and create.
How do I join a clan?
From the dropdown of the " Crown icon " click on clan ranking.
The clan overview page displayed has a list of all the clans.
Click on the clan name and the *public profile* page of the clan is displayed.
Choose a clan of your choice and send an ingame mail to the council members of the clan asking for an invite. Usually the clan public profile has the names of the council members.
When you receive an invite , you get a report.
Click on the Flag Icon
Invites will be displayed on the clan overview page.
Click on " JOIN "
What is PUBLIC PROFILE of a clan ?
Ususally the public profile page of a clan will give you an idea of how the clan is organised and there playing style.
Leader - They are over all in charge of a clan. They are the creator and organizer. A clans rules and direction are usually implemented by this person. Most clan leaders don't mind being contacted with questions about the clan, invite requests or attack issues.
Council - A lot of clans have instituted a council. The council acts as officers in the clan. The clan may or may not have a system of votes between council members when discussing alliances, conflicts, internal clan problems and a like.
Diplomat - These are the players that are in charge of communicating with allies and NAPS. They usually talk with other clans diplomats and work out issues and conflicts between clans.
Recruiter / Inviter - Generally speaking they are in charge of finding and recruiting new members to the clan.
Anyone interested in joining a clan can send an ingame mail to the clan's inviter asking for an invite.
*It is important to remember that there is no hard-coded, built in function to alliance structure. Not all clans have all these positions and many times positional function is different from clan to clan. As a rule of thumb, it is safe to assume that all players in any of those positions can be considered a clan "officer"
How can I join another clan if I already belong to a clan?
Unless you are the owner you can leave the clan by clicking on the “leave clan” tab from the clan overview page and then join another clan from the invites sent.
Its a good practice to wait for an invitation from a new clan before leaving your old one - when you are not affiliated, you are an easy target to others.
How can I invite my friends to a clan I belong to?
Send a message to the owner or adminstrator of the clan and ask them to give you 'invite rights'.
Then from the header of the clan page click on the invitations. Enter the name of the player you want to invite, and click invite.
Do my clan members get a report if I am attacked?
No, clan members do not get a report of an attack on you BUT:
A simple plan to keep track of any attack on a clan member can be enforced: Clan members / Allies can send support comprising of a just 1 CM or any other unit.
Whenever a player is attacked then all the players supporting that village get a report telling the status of only their supporting troops, irrespective of the fact how much support was sent or how many survived.
This ensures, that clan members know that a clan-mate is being attacked, and probably there is someone online at that time able to send more support immediately.
How to locate villages of friends on facebook?
1) Navigate to the map 2) Click on " Highlight my friends in blue "
2) On the Player ranking page , click on " Show only my FB friends "
Click on the player name to see all there villages.
What are the numbers in brackets beside the village name?
These numbers are the co-ordinates of the village. X and Y co-ordinates indicating your village's location in the realm.
Why I don't see my wall on the map?
The map icons do not represent the actual buildings in your village. This would give away too much information.
Map icons change to reflect your change in village points. As you grow your village, the map icons try to show this growth.
What are "points"?
Every building upgrade give you certain number of points (the longer it takes to upgrade a building, the more points you get). Points are based ONLY on buildings you have at the village. Points are used to accertain the 'size' of a neighboring villages however, points alone cannot tell you exactly what buildings are in this village.
The points gained is the difference between previous level and current level.
Eg: having a HQ at level 12 adds 34 points to your *TOTAL* points.
Upgrading HQ from level 12 to level 13 adds 43-34 points to your total points, so you will actually see an increase of 9 points .
More points isn't necessarily better than less! Don't look at the game as simply a points race. There is finite farm space so you will eventually run out of space for buildings and troops.
The less points your village has, the more space for army. As you take more vills you'll want to specialise with defence vills, attack vills, maybe spy vills. With a specialised vill there will be certain buildings that you won't want maxed... and that will leave room for more troops.
Player having more that one village sees the attack coming on both the villages? How to ascertain which is the target village?
From the header click on troops. From the dropdown menu click on Incoming and Outgoing Troops. Here all the troops incoming to your villages are displayed also specifying which particular village is under attack/support.
How to Ally?
Firstly you have to either join a clan or make a clan. Then you can have talks with other clans about having a diplomatic relation with them. You can be an ally or have a Non-Aggression Pact with clans.
Now after you set a relation and enter it accordingly on the Clan Diplomacy Page, navigate to the Map and you can see each village having a coloured flag signifying what relation you have with the clan.
Depending on the color of the flag you can decide whether to send an attack to a particular village or not. Without these flags it is very difficult to remember if the player belongs to an ally or enemy.
What is Battle Simulator for?
Battle simulator allows you to simulate a battle by specifying the size of the attack and defending force. When a player enters the amount of attacking troops, choose the target building ,the amount of defending troops, the level of building being attacked and the level of wall and towers in the target village and press go button , it will give you number of killed and remaining troops.
Will I be able to receive silver even if my trading post is not build?
Yes, you would be able to receive silver maximum your treasury can hold. Also for sending silver to any other village trading post is required, without which you can not send silver to other villages.
How to rename your village ?
On the bottom of the building upgrade page there is a text box where you can change the name of your village and save it.
Various Reports received
Spy Reports : Successful spy reports give all the info about the troops present in the village, level of the buildings and silver in the treasury.
The troops may be supporting or may belong to the village itself. Spy reports do not give the info as to whose troops are supporting the village.
Spy attacks you do not always see coming. If you ever see an "unknown" attack coming, that is a spy attack.
Attack Reports : Only if your troops survive, you get to know the detials of the defender's troops killed.
If none of your troops survive, then remaining troops of defender is not displayed in the report.
Support Attacked Report : You get a report when the village you are supporting gets attacked. However, the report does not give the name of the attacker.
What are Rebel Villages ?
- rebel villages start with a random number of CM (100-1000 I believe!)
- rebel villages will not recruit more troops (not in r3 at least, later probably)
- rebel villages will upgrade buildings up to a fixed number of points, random for every village
- you can take a rebel village with a governor max 22 squares away from you (on the X or Y axis)
If you have a village at (0,1) you can take a rebel village let's say at (0,22).If you have a village at (0,1) then you can take a village at ( 22,23 )
It is a 22-square square.
What ever ( x,y )co-ordinates your village is at , add/ subtract 22 and you can attack that rebel village. i.e if you have a village at 0,0 you aill be able to take over rebel villages up to
(22,0) ; (22,22) ; (0,22) ; (-22,22) ; (-22,0); ( -22,-22) ; (0,-22); (22,-22).
Now once (0,22) is yours ,you can further move on to take a rebel village at (0,44) from (0,22). The attack has to come from within 22 squares.
Welcome to Realm of Empires Strategy
Welcome to Realm of Empires Strategyy! In this blog, I will be posting up strategies for the Real of Empires game that you can find on Facebook. Search in your applications directory for Realm of Empires and install it to play the game if you haven't already. It is a Real Time Strategy game (RTS) and the world actually continues playing as you go along. If you would like to play with a good group of players, join realm 3 and join my clan, The Defenders. We will help you get started. I will be posting strategies, screenshots, and more, so check back often!!
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