Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Early Game

The point of the early game in my mind, is to get to a palace as quick as possible so you can begin to take over another town. This requires a few steps first, but can be done relatively easy. A Palace requires:
Level 20 Headquarters
Level 20 Stables
Level 5 Wall and
150,000 gold.

Technically, this will require a Level 20 treasury as well, to be able to store more than 150,000 gold. In my game, I focused on 4 buildings to be the higest upgraded level, the Headquarters, Treasury,the Farm Lands, and Silver Mine. You want to expand these early because:
1. Your building times will go down with the upgraded headquarters
2. You'll be able to store alot of gold with upgraded treasury, so you wont have to worry about capping out.
3. As you upgrade the silver mine in the early game, late game it will be easier to max it out.

The idea with RoE, is that most of the buildings work together. For example, the higher HQ you have, the more efficient your workers are, and the higher your farm lands are, the more workers you can have. My sugestion would be follow this as a semi model, but try to continuously upgrade your HQ, Farm, Silver mine, and Tresury.
Early on, get your headquarters to level 5 and your silver mine to level 20.
Build a barracks at lvl 5 HQ and upgrade the barracks to at least lvl 5.
Build a level 1 wall, leave it for now. Begin upgrading the treasury and HQ to about level 10.
At lvl 10 HQ, build a tavern, and get your stable built. Begin upgrading the stable maybe to around lvl 10, as this will cost alot levels 15-20.
Once stable is around level 10, get your Silver Mine to 30, HQ to 20, Farm to 20, and Treasury to 21. This will give you the resources need to upgrade your wall fast and make it easier to get gold and upgrade the stables.
Upgrade your stables to lvl 20 and wall to lvl 5.

You can build defensive towers earlier if you want for extra protection, but only do this is you will be making a small force to protect yourself, otherwise this is a waste. It is a good idea to get the tavern up to protect from spies as well, but that is personal preference. When youre ready to begin saving up for a palace, your town should look similar to this.

When you reach this stage in the game, save up, build a palace, and begin building a force to take over another town! We will talk more about taking over towns in the next post, Time to Expand...

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